Sinopec Petrochina Polypropylene

The following is to introduce you to some Chinese polypropylene manufacturers, brands and applications:

1 Sinopec

(1) Yanshan Petrochemical: such as B4902, K4912, etc., can be used for injection molding, film and other fields, 

such as B4902 can be used to produce electronic, chemical and other fields of basic plate.

(2)Shanghai Petrochemical: E980BHF, M1500B and other brands. E980BHF can be used to produce highly transparent products, 

such as food packaging containers; The M1500B can be used for injection molding, injection molding for household appliances, etc.

2 petrochina

(1)Dushanzi Petrochemical: brand A180TM, E022T, etc. A180TM can be used for pipe production; 

E022T is suitable for injection molded products, such as plastic parts for some everyday products.

(2) Guangdong Petrochemical: In April this year, it successfully developed the middle melt impact resistant 

polypropylene product K-8009, which has high ethylene content and rubber content, good rigidity and 

impact strength, mainly used in automobiles, home appliances, battery boxes and other fields; Previously 

produced K-8003 low melt impact polypropylene products, mainly used in load-bearing industrial components.

(3)Guangzhou Petrochemical: In September this year, it successfully produced a new product H1201B, 

which belongs to homopolylene-polypropylene, with good rigidity, high strength and other characteristics, 

and is used in the base plate of electronics, chemical industry, steel and other fields.

(4)Jinneng Technology: polypropylene product brands include HP550J, HP553J, HP520J, HP500N, HP648U, etc. 

In the future, we plan to develop anti-impact copolymerization, random copolymerization brands, 

which can be used in the fields of wire drawing, fiber and injection molding.

Different brands of polypropylene from different manufacturers have different performance characteristics, 

and their application fields are also very wide, including but not limited to auto parts, home appliance shells, 

packaging materials (such as food packaging, pharmaceutical packaging), pipes, toys, daily supplies, etc. 

In practical applications, the appropriate polypropylene grade should be selected according to 

the specific performance requirements, processing technology and cost factors.

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