Thermally conductive nylon
production defect and solutions 2/3
Hot and cold shock cracking
Question: Thermal shock test is also known as temperature shock test or high and low temperature shock test.
The general test temperature is -40°C to 120°C. It is used to test the adaptability of products to sharp changes
in ambient temperature. A large number of tests have found that the most critical cause of thermal shock cracking
is the stress caused by the inconsistent thermal expansion and contraction of different materials.
Solutions: By effectively controlling the coefficient of thermal expansion and contraction of the material,
the thermal expansion coefficient of the material is close to that of the aluminum part,
which can effectively avoid the problem of thermal shock cracking.
Dongguan Forever Co., Ltd.
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Add:No. 85, private road, qiwutang Industrial Zone, Wanjiang District, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China